3 The opportunities of Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 helps manufacturers with current challenges by making them becoming more flexible and reacting to changes in the market more easily. It can increase the speed of innovation and is very consumer-centred, leading seen by learners) to faster design processes. The aim of this activity is to get insight into the benefits and opportunities arising from the Industry 4.0.
To complete this lesson:
1. Read the following article (15 minutes): „Industrial Revolution 4.0 – Advantages, Challenges and the Future“ https://techutzpah.com/industrial-revolution-4-0-advantageschallenges-and-the-future/
2. Read the following article (10 minutes): „How can Industry 4.0 benefit my business?“
4. Read the following chapter, p. 53-63, (30 minutes): http://www.smeart.eu/en/results/handbooksmeart/SMeART_Handbook_2019__web_EN.pdf
5. Complete the short quiz (5 minutes)