3 Delavnica - Priložnosti industrije 4.0
Setup phase
Workshop timeline with 5 phasesSkip to current tasks
- Setup phaseCurrent phase
- Task info The workshop is currently being set up. Please wait until it is switched to the next phase.
- Submission phase
- Assessment phase
- Grading evaluation phase
- Closed
Preberite naslednji članek (15 minut):
„Industrijska revolucija 4.0 – Prednosti, izzivi in prihodnost“ https://techutzpah.com/industrialrevolution-4-0-advantages-challenges-and-thefuture/
2. Preberite naslednji članek (10 minut): „Kako lahko Industrija 4.0 pomaga mojemu poslovanju?“
3. Preberite naslednje poglavje; str. 53-63, (30 minut): http://www.smeart.eu/en/results/handbooksmeart/SMeART_Handbook_2019__web_EN.pdf
4. Izpolnite kratek vprašalnik (5 minut).