It is about a personal check list so that the smentor who takes part in the
learning processes with people friom CCI can know whether they apply the
Efficient Learning basic principles.
I. To promote self-knowledge on the way a mentor teaches in the learning
processes with people from CCIs
II. To facilitate the exchange of experiences with the situa?on of other
mentor trainers
To promote con?nuous improvement group ac?ons amongst the
mentors who take part in the learning processes
Please read and the attached PDF and follow the instructions.
You act in the role of moderator. If you want, you can choose a person to write down the keywords
on one or two flipcharts (depending on how many are needed).
For the challenge you need:
1 pack of spaghetti
1 pack of marshmallows
Open the PDF for further instructions.
The SIX THINKING HATS are a technique by Edward de Bono. This technique focuses on improving the
structure of thinking so that group decisions and idea evaluaEon can be significantly improved.
Process of BRAINSTORMING Technology Typically, the following steps are performed:
• a warm-up round to get inexperienced par/cipants used to the uncri/cal environment, with a trial round for a simple problem
• the facilitator presents the problem and gives a further explana/on if necessary.
• the moderator asks the brainstorming group for their ideas. If there are no ideas, the facilitator suggests a sugges/on to encourage crea/vity.
• one or more nominated persons record the ideas in real /me - in the words of the person presen/ng the idea (to avoid filtering).
• all par/cipants present their ideas and the idea collectors record them
• For clarity, par/cipants can explain their ideas. • when the /me is up, everyone takes a break (at least 15 minutes)
• the moderator organizes the ideas based on the topic goal and encourages discussion. • ideas are grouped and categorized.
• the en/re list is reviewed to ensure that everyone understands the ideas.
• duplicate ideas and obviously imprac/cable solu/ons are removed (or parked for use in another session)
• the remaining ideas are considered and built where possible.
• the group works through the remaining ideas and priori/ses possible solu/ons for implementa/on.
• the moderator thanks all par/cipants and gives a sign of apprecia/on.
A short introduction to the Collaborative Learning with the help of a pdf and 3 short YouTube videos.
At the end of the theoretical input you can do a brief self-assessment.
1. Read the PDF about Collaborative Learning: “4.1.1 What is Collaborative Learning?”
2. Watch the videos about Collaborative Learning.
3. Complete the self-assessment “What is Collaborative Learning “
You will learn to choose and use the appropriate online tools for each collaborative learning process. Read the document “4.3 Technologies”
• Watch the videos