Brainstorming instructions

Process of BRAINSTORMING Technology Typically, the following steps are performed:

 • a warm-up round to get inexperienced par/cipants used to the uncri/cal environment, with a trial round for a simple problem 

• the facilitator presents the problem and gives a further explana/on if necessary. 

• the moderator asks the brainstorming group for their ideas. If there are no ideas, the facilitator suggests a sugges/on to encourage crea/vity. 

• one or more nominated persons record the ideas in real /me - in the words of the person presen/ng the idea (to avoid filtering). 

• all par/cipants present their ideas and the idea collectors record them

 • For clarity, par/cipants can explain their ideas. • when the /me is up, everyone takes a break (at least 15 minutes)

 • the moderator organizes the ideas based on the topic goal and encourages discussion. • ideas are grouped and categorized.

 • the en/re list is reviewed to ensure that everyone understands the ideas. 

• duplicate ideas and obviously imprac/cable solu/ons are removed (or parked for use in another session) 

• the remaining ideas are considered and built where possible. 

• the group works through the remaining ideas and priori/ses possible solu/ons for implementa/on. 

• the moderator thanks all par/cipants and gives a sign of apprecia/on.