4 Delavnica - Industrija 4.0 in srednje strokovno izobraževanje (VET)
Setup phase
- Setup phaseCurrent phase
- Task info The workshop is currently being set up. Please wait until it is switched to the next phase.
- Submission phase
- Assessment phase
- Grading evaluation phase
- Closed
Poglejte naslednji video (10 minut): „Splet 4.0 & Industrija 4.0 Kaj Prinašata napredek ali brezposelnost?“
2. Poglejte naslednji video (5 minut): „Industrija 4.0 Službe“
3. Poglejte naslednji video (5 minut): „Četrta industrijska revolucija: ustvarjanje novih priložnosti za delo“
4. Preberite o projektu VET 4.0 in si poglejte eUčenje za učence in učitelje (20 minut): http://www.vet-4-0.eu/About.html
5. Preberite naslednja poglavja (str. 1-5 in 18-19, s posebnim poudarkom na Exhibit 10, str. 19) (15 minut): https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Featured%20Insights/Futur e%20of%20Organizations/Skill%20shift%20Automation%20and%20the%20f uture%20of%20the%20workforce/MGI-Skill-Shift-Automation-and-future-ofthe-workforce-May-2018.ashx
6. Na osnovi Exhibit 10, razmislite o svojem profesionalnem profilu in sposobnostih, ki jih boste potrebovali v prihodnosti (str. 19, https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Featured%20Insights/Futur e%20of%20Organizations/Skill%20shift%20Automation%20and%20the%20f uture%20of%20the%20workforce/MGI-Skill-Shift-Automation-and-future-ofthe-workforce-May-2018.ashx)
Ocena Na osnovi Exhibit 10, razmislite o svojem profesionalnem profilu in sposobnostih, ki
jih boste potrebovali v prihodnosti (str. 19,