4 Delavnica - Industrija 4.0 in srednje strokovno izobraževanje (VET)

Setup phase

Workshop timeline with 5 phasesSkip to current tasks
Setup phase
Current phase
  • Task info The workshop is currently being set up. Please wait until it is switched to the next phase.
Submission phase
Assessment phase
Grading evaluation phase

Poglejte naslednji video (10 minut): „Splet 4.0 & Industrija 4.0 Kaj Prinašata napredek ali brezposelnost?“


2. Poglejte naslednji video (5 minut): „Industrija 4.0 Službe“

3. Poglejte naslednji video (5 minut): „Četrta industrijska revolucija: ustvarjanje novih priložnosti za delo“

4. Preberite o projektu VET 4.0 in si poglejte eUčenje za učence in učitelje (20 minut): http://www.vet-4-0.eu/About.html 

5. Preberite naslednja poglavja (str. 1-5 in 18-19, s posebnim poudarkom na Exhibit 10, str. 19) (15 minut): https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Featured%20Insights/Futur e%20of%20Organizations/Skill%20shift%20Automation%20and%20the%20f uture%20of%20the%20workforce/MGI-Skill-Shift-Automation-and-future-ofthe-workforce-May-2018.ashx 

6. Na osnovi Exhibit 10, razmislite o svojem profesionalnem profilu in sposobnostih, ki jih boste potrebovali v prihodnosti (str. 19, https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Featured%20Insights/Futur e%20of%20Organizations/Skill%20shift%20Automation%20and%20the%20f uture%20of%20the%20workforce/MGI-Skill-Shift-Automation-and-future-ofthe-workforce-May-2018.ashx

Ocena Na osnovi Exhibit 10, razmislite o svojem profesionalnem profilu in sposobnostih, ki jih boste potrebovali v prihodnosti (str. 19, https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Featured%20Insights/Future%20of %20Organizations/Skill%20shift%20Automation%20and%20the%20future%20of%20 the%20workforce/MGI-Skill-Shift-Automation-and-future-of-the-workforce-May2018.ashx)